Recently, there is a trend of sending various government employees into compulsory retirement in Bangladesh. It has become a hot topic nationwide.
Many officials working in the government administration have suddenly received retirement notices, which has become a source of alarm for them. But why and how is this compulsory retirement being given, and what are the reasons behind it?
What is compulsory retirement?
Compulsory retirement is an administrative process whereby a government official or employee is forced to retire from work before the end of a specified service age or performance.
While this usually applies after a certain age limit, it can also be useful in some cases for performance, discipline, or administrative reasons.

Why is compulsory retirement given?
There are several main reasons for these retirement:
- Decline in performance: In many cases it is observed that an officer’s performance declines as he ages.
- If the administration is unable to meet the specified targets, he may be sent on compulsory retirement.
- Administrative Reforms: Government needs to take some steps to keep the administration dynamic and efficient.
- As a result, less effective, long-serving, or certain political or administrative reasons may force employees to retire.
- Indiscipline or Corruption: If an officer breaks discipline, shows irresponsibility, or is involved in corruption, he can be sent to retirement.
- In this case, if any complaint is proved, the government takes action according to the law.
How is mandatory retirement?
The process of retirement is generally governed by government policies. According to the Government Employees Act 2018 in Bangladesh. The government reserves the right to send government employees on retirement at any time. In this process an officer may be retired without any prior warning, and the notice of retirement is given directly by the authority.
In most cases, the compulsory retirement process is carried out in the following steps:
- Appraisal: The employee’s performance and performance of duties are observed.
- Giving Notice: Order of retirement is conveyed by notice.
- Final Retirement: On the appointed date the officer retires and his subsequent benefits and pension process begins.
- Who is given compulsory retirement?
- Compulsory retirement generally applies to administrative officers, especially those with more than 25 years of service or who have passed the age of 57.
- However, it can be applied not only on the basis of age, but also on the basis of personal ability, performance and discipline.
Its reality and impact today
Recently, the trend of compulsory retirement has increased as part of administrative reforms in various ministries and government departments.
Many officials have been retired on charges of corruption, irregularities or politically biased behaviour.
While the government’s decision is seen as an attempt to increase the efficiency of administration, critics point out that it is a tool used for political purposes.
It is an important policy in public administration. While this is necessary to maintain efficiency and discipline, it is important to ensure its proper implementation. If this system is maintained through proper evaluation, the administration will be more efficient and orderly.